Wall painting Goddess of Sky Egyptian deities of Egyptian Antiquities BC. Stone mural of the goddess of the sky, the gods of the sky, and one of the oldest Egyptian deities under whose body the world rests, and she is the wife of the god Geb. Nut was often depicted in human form, and sometimes in the form of a cow or a tree, and one of its titles is covering the heavens. ” “The one that protects. The one who bore all the gods. And which carries a thousand souls. ” There are other popular concepts that see in the sun the image of a child stepping into the mouth of the sky goddess Nut in the evening and then passing through her body during the night and being reborn from her in the morning, and sometimes in the form of a small child of the sky goddess who is embodied in the image of the heavenly cow, and there was also He mixed these different perceptions of the daily journey of the sun god, and therefore it is not surprising that the story of “the destruction of humans” is engraved with a drawing of the god “Ra in his full human form, sailing in his sacred boat on the back of the heavenly cow, Nut. The idea of the sunset as being swallowed by the gods of the sky extends to the movement of the stars of the sky, as she sees them as just little pigs that disappear in the mouth of “Not”, where they devour them in the morning, then take them out again before the night begins, and for this reason the word “masut” in the Egyptian language meant Literally “time of birth”. We Give you free Return option in 30 days. Thank You For your time to view our listing and appreciate your time.