This offering is for ONE fabulous deconstructed curtain panel in a fun… Whimsical and nautical island life pattern… Each was a curtain panel with hems that have all been taken apart… Washed and ironed back to perfection. Not nubby cotton canvas… More of a tablecloth weight cotton. SEAHORSES frolic and people take in some sun on the beach… A lighthouse and sailboats… Sun fish and a whole complete novelty mapping of the islands. A clean crisp white ground with gorgeous sea powder blues… Chocolate and black accents. Measures 47 inches wide x 52 inches long. What a great addition to any cottage beach space… Whether in Bermuda or in any island cottage you call home in your mind. Smells great and are guaranteed to create some whimsy in your life. But who wants to take a return right? So I do my best to add lots of photos that depict the weight and texture and do so thoughtfully so you are getting the most virtual experience. Of course I will take a return… I’m just hoping more the pricing will WOW YA over wanting to return it : Here is to a summer of fabulous Florida Finds.