My mother worked as a manager at a very popular retirement community home for 20+ years and my mother had the opportunity to meet many people from all over the world here. Many elderly people have the most fascinating stories about their journeys and adventures throughout their lives and one lady in particular traveled all over the world collecting art pieces such as these two statues and gifted them to my mother in the late 1980s. They were super old even back then which was over 30 years ago. No telling how old these statues are but certainly antique. And no longer made this way due to the endangerment of certain woods, dark like ebony heavy solid dense high quality wood was used here on the statues, could possibly be rosewood but because of the age it has darkened considerably. Both are a set and made to be the same size and style, as well as made from the same type of wood by the same artist. Add an exquisite touch of art and culture to your collectibles with this set of 2 Antique African Tribe Statue Figurines. These Hand Carved Wooden pieces portray the beauty of African women and men with intricate Carvings that exude a sense of history and tradition. The Antique Finish adds to the charm of these Sculptures & Figurines that are perfect for any collector or home décor enthusiast. It is a great addition to any collection.