Unique Ancient Egyptian Antiques Egyptian Ushabti SHABTI The Servant Egyptian BC. The Ushabti or Ogypti is similar to the mummies that were upright in ancient Egyptian tombs, with features similar to those of the Mummified (the owner of the tomb). After it is composed of stone, faience, wood, or bronze, and sometimes of burnt text. The word Ushabti is derived from the ancient Egyptian scene (washab), meaning pocket or answerer, and from here the name came or is similar to the meaning of respondents. It was recorded in stages of the history of ancient Egypt in religious texts as a kind of symbolic service that carried the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians from the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, and these statues served as an alternative in the other world, where they did not need plowing and harvesting, as they were completely full and the righteous lived in them, and Toon served him. As Shown In Pictures. Please contact me and I will do everything to your. Recommend that you see the picture well and then take your decision and take your responsibility.