Horus Egyptian Store RARE Egyptian Antiquities Great statue of Egyptian god Horus god of peace BC Welcome to the Horus Bazaar Egypt Horus is in one of the myths of ancient Egypt and was considered a symbol of goodness and justice. Osiris was his father, who was the god of resurrection and reckoning among the ancient Egyptians. According to religious legend, his evil uncle, Set, killed his father and distributed his parts throughout the Egyptian country. And his mother was Isis, so she collected the parts of his father’s body, and this is considered the first process of embalming the dead, and she lived with his father’s body. Horus was born after that, and he wanted to take revenge on his uncle and take revenge for his father, and that is why Horus is sometimes called the protector of his father. Horus lost his left eye in that battle. And assumed the throne of Egypt. Osiris became the god of reckoning in the other world, and Horus became the king of life. And each of the kings of Egypt ruled with his rule as a representative of Horus, and used the help of the god Horus in his actions and wars. Therefore, we find that all the kings of Egypt are named in one of their names (and the king usually had 5 titles) with the name of Horus. His mother, Isis, was the goddess of the moon among the ancient Egyptians. Condition: Good Condition As shown in pictures. Provenance: Stone in the Desert of the Egyptian City of Luxor.