YOU ARE GUARANTEED TO RECEIVE THE EXACT ITEM POSTED AS THE FIRST PICTURE AND DESCRIBED IN THE LISTING ABOVE. WE HONOR THE INTEGRITY OF OUR VALUABLES TO THE UPMOST DEGREE UNTIL IT ARRIVES AT YOUR DOORSTEP! IF YOUR ITEM IS LOST OR DAMAGED, RESTITUTION WILL BE PURSUEDON YOUR BEHALF AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU. The item is also insured for the amount that it was paid for. If your item is damaged or lost, you will take comfort in knowing that your losses will be made whole. We honor our business. We honor your investments. We help you protect your antique collection. Many valuables are lost because the package ripped while being processed. Not only did we learn a very heavy lesson that day, we also gained an ounce of prevention with regard to collectible sales. Appreciated Value Is Value Appreciated.