Rare Ancient Egyptian Antiques The Mighty Uraeus Cobra Goddess Wadjet Snack Protection BC. You are in front of Rare Ancient Egyptian Antiques The Mighty Uraeus Cobra Goddess Wadjet Snack , Since Wadjet, also spelled Wadjit, also called Buto, Uto, or Edjo, cobra goddess of ancient Egypt. Depicted as a cobra twined around a papyrus stem, she was the tutelary goddess of Lower Egypt. Wadjet and Nekhbet, the vulture-goddess of Upper Egypt, were the protective goddesses of the king and were sometimes represented together on the king’s diadem, symbolizing his reign over all of Egypt. The form of the rearing cobra on a crown is termed the uraeus. In mythology, Wadjet was nurse to the infant god Horus and helped Isis, his mother, protect him from his treacherous uncle, Seth, when she took refuge in the delta swamps. The similarity of this myth to the Greek story of Leto and Apollo on Delos probably resulted in the later identification of Wadjet with Leto. Our Guarantee That the Item Will Delivered to You As Shown in Pictures Therefore we recommend that you see the picture well and then take your decision and take your responsibility. Height : 24 cm / 9.44 inch. Condition: Good Condition As shown in pictures. Provenance: Stone in the Desert of the Egyptian City of Luxor. Thank You For your time to view our listing and appreciate your time.