RARE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ANTIQUE Queen Nefertiti Head Statue Stone -Egypt History. Height : 21.5 cm. Width : 7.5 cm. Nefertiti, also called Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti, (flourished 14th century bce), queen of Egypt and wife of King Akhenaton formerly Amenhotep IV; reigned c. 1353-36 bce, who played a prominent role in the cult of the sun god known as the Aton. Nefertiti’s parentage is unrecorded, but, as her name translates as “A Beautiful Woman Has Come, ” early Egyptologists believed that she must have been a princess from Mitanni (Syria). There is strong circumstantial evidence, however, to suggest that she was the Egyptian-born daughter of the courtier Ay, brother of Akhenaton’s mother, Tiy. Although nothing is known of Nefertiti’s parentage, she did have a younger sister, Mutnodjmet. Nefertiti bore six daughters within 10 years of her marriage, the elder three being born at Thebes, the younger three at Akhetaton (Amarna). Two of her daughters became queens of Egypt. We always strive to have all the elements of all shapes until you always find what you want inside the store so we collect them carefully from several places and collect the special Antique pieces. Please visit the store continuously, you will find everything new and everything you seek to acquire. The Item Made in Egypt with antique style skillfully Similar to Original with Excellent Details. With my best wishes.