This is an awesome item. A Short Sword or Naval Cutlass. I believe the style of the Hilt dates it to the American Revolutionary War. It has a walnut grip. Very deep beautiful original color. From many years of use. Pics don’t due it justice. Has a bronze single basket swept Hilt. Iron disc cap pommel. The blade is something else. Has a full length wide fuller. All the way to the tip. I believe this was cut down from a much longer earlier blade. The spine is 3/8 thick at guard. Tapers down to a Very Sharp tip. Has an unknown makers mark on ricasso. I have not been able to find the Maker in my research. Condition is very fine antique. Overall wear from use. Everything nice and tight. Blade has wear and some old discoloration sprinkled over. Some slight rust, and pitting. Size is 21 overall length. Blade is 15 1/2″ long and 1 1/4″ wide at guard. Still has a fairly sharp edge. Weighs 1 pound 4.9 ounces. I believe this is American made from the Revolutionary War. But I can’t guarantee that. This is a very well made sword. It is well balanced and feels great in your hand. A very stout weapon. A beautiful and stately piece of Military History! For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works, so that no one can boast.